Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Athonite Monks Express Judgment about Canonical Position of Metropolitan Vitaly

(Agios Agafangelos Esfigmenitis - Vertograd: Mt Athos)

The Athos Periodical of Zilotov, published by the True Orthodox Monastery of Esphigmenou, made a statement about the canonical position of Metropolitan Vitaly, first-hierarch of ROCOR (V). In the opinion of the publishers of the periodical, Metropolitan Vitaly remains the lawful first hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad.

Since truth was trampled upon, the statement argues, Metropolitan Vitaly had every right to take a complete "withdrawal from retirement". The basis for such is the rapprochement of a part of ROCOR which remained with Metropolitan Laurus with the the Moscow Patriarchate. Today's representatives of the MP and their predecessors are guilty, the periodical stated, of the death of millions of Russian orthodox martyrs, clerics and laymen.